Senin, 30 September 2024   |   WIB
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Senin, 30 September 2024   |   WIB
Fast Work, Hard Work, and Productive Work

Cibinong, Geospatial News - The main task of the Civil Servants (PNS) is to serve, in this case, the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG), in charge of serving in the field of geospatial information. This service is part of bureaucratic reform. Bureaucratic reform is essentially an attempt to make fundamental reforms and changes to the system of governance, especially concerning institutional aspects (organization), management (business processes) and human resources apparatus.

Various problems/obstacles that cause the system of governance to run or are not expected to work properly must be reorganized or updated. Bureaucratic reform is carried out in the context of realizing good governance. In the civil service environment job rotation/mutation is common. When the transfer of duties and work areas will enrich the experience of each employee in adapting a strategic environment that changes so quickly to change the times and can be a potential and career guidance

The head of BIG, Hasanuddin Z Abidin, on Wednesday, October 30, 2019, inaugurated 15 staff who held new positions in the BIG environment. This inauguration includes the inauguration of administrator position, Supervisory Position and Widyaiswara Functional Position, Procurement of Goods and Services and Staffing Analyst. BIG's target in the future is the fulfillment of large-scale baseline data and in this case, is not centralized in one center, but is the result of the work of all technical centers in BIG. BPK's opinion on BIG's financial statements that get WTP is also the result of joint work. Hopefully, in the future, we will get better grades, so do not go down, so the BIG Chief hopes.

Another hope, in line with the government's vision, is to produce superior human resources for advanced Indonesia, the position of lecturer and staff analyst is an important position in supporting the vision and mission. He also advised all officials, don't get caught up in the business as a usual mechanism but work fast, work hard and work productively. Get used to the right, not justify the ordinary. At the end of the inauguration of the BIG Chief along with the high ranks of the Pratama leaders congratulated the newly appointed employees.





Oman Rochman, S.E.

Pengelola Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pertama


Basuki Rachmat, S.Hut.

Pengelola Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pertama


Yuyu Siti Juhaeni, S.Pd.

Analis Kepegawaian Pertama


Ir. Soma Trenggana, M.App.Sc.

Widyaiswara Ahli Utama


Taufik Hidayatullah, S.Si., M.Sc.

Kepala Bagian Keuangan


Dian Ardiansyah, ST.

Kepala Seksi Layanan Produk


Diah Faradia Setiawati, S.Pd., M.Pd

Kepala Subbagian Persuratan dan Kearsiapan


Slamet Turseno, S.Sos., M.E.

Kepala Subbagian Verifikasi dan Penatauahaan Keuangan


Imam Wahyudi Sukoco, SE.

Kepala Subbagian Perbendaharaan


Muhammad Haidar, S.Si., M.Eng

Kepala Subbagian Tata Usaha Deputi Bidang Informasi Geospasial Dasar


Derrisiana Hernandia, ST.

Kepala Subbagian Tata Usaha Deputi Bidang Informasi Geospasial Tematik


Franko Jhoner, SH., M.H.

Kepala Subbagian Tata Usaha Deputi Bidang Informasi Geospasial Infrastruktur Informasi Geospasial


Arif Aprianto, S.Si., M.Si

Kepala Seksi Materi dan Kurikulum


Akbar Hiznu Mawanda, S.H.

Kepala Subbagian Peraturan Perundang-undangan


Rahmat Kurniadi Dewantara, S.H.

Kepala Subbafian Bantuan Hukum

Good luck with all appointed officials, hopefully, you can give the best work to BIG.