Jumat, 20 September 2024   |   WIB
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Jumat, 20 September 2024   |   WIB
"United We Forward ”on the 91st Youth Oath Day


We are sons and daughters of Indonesia, claiming to be blooded one, the homeland of Indonesia.


We are sons and daughters of Indonesia, claiming to be one nation, the Indonesian nation.


We are sons and daughters of Indonesia, upholding the language of unity, Indonesian.

Cibinong, Bogor. In the framework of the 91st Youth Oath Day in 2019, October 28, 2019, the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) held a ceremony attended by all BIG employees. The ceremony was held in the BIG field which was led by Abdul Jamil and as the ceremonial supervisor, Muhtadi Ganda Sutrisna, BIG's Principal Secretary.

By taking the theme "United We Forward", Mr. Muhtadi said that only with unity can we realize the ideals of the nation such as commitments built by the youths in 1928. As quoted from the speech of the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia that "If the previous generation of youth were able to get out of the trap of primordial attitudes of tribes, religions, races, and cultures, towards national unity and integrity, then the task of today's youth is to be able to open views beyond the boundaries of the present wall of the world, in order to welcome a better world future . "Double Revealed.

According to him, progress will never be achieved in the real sense if the future is only seen as merely a further process of the present that will arrive by itself. We must be able to give color to change the world with determination and enthusiasm, of course, also supported by science and technology. He also expressed his highest gratitude and appreciation to the youth figure of 1928 who had declared the Youth Pledge to become a pioneer of Youth to realize Indonesian independence while maintaining integrity. Homeland.

At present, young people who have strong character are young people who have moral character and performance characteristics, young men who are faithful and devoted, highly integrated, honest, polite, responsible, disciplined, hard work, hard work, hard work, sincere work, and complete. Youth must also have the intellectual capacity and leadership skills, entrepreneurship, and pioneers who are qualified, and youth must have the innovation to be able to play an active role in the international arena.

Not enough with that, in commemorating the 91st Youth Oath Day in 2019, it is hoped that the young generation will have a mindset that is fast-paced, instantaneous, cross-border, tends to be individualistic and grammatical. Sophisticated science and technology and easy access to social media, has become a favorite gathering place for young people across countries, across cultures, across religions, and their interaction on social media runs 24 hours real-time. It is hoped that the role of youth can compete in any form, of course, in positive terms. Youth is the future of the nation and country, youth are also hoping for the world, Indonesian youth must advance and dare to conquer the world, many hope that in the future many young leaders will emerge worldwide. (FR / NN)

"O Youth of Indonesia, the world is waiting for you, strive, deliver ideas, determination and

Your ideals, sacrifice, and struggle will never be in vain in changing the world ".