Jumat, 27 September 2024   |   WIB
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Jumat, 27 September 2024   |   WIB
?Scientific Study Helps Fishers Catch Fish

The Thousand Islands, Geospatial News - Scientific studies are not only useful for the development of science. Furthermore, scientific studies can be used to help and improve people's lives.

Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) has an important position to provide scientific studies in the marine field. "People can use this study for their daily lives. Fishermen do not need to try, trial and error, search for fish. This is very useful to reduce production costs," said House Commission VII member Ivan Doly Gultom when giving a speech at the Dissemination of Geospatial Information (IG) ) on Lancang Island, Thousand Islands, Thursday, February 14, 2019.

Ivan's statement was echoed by Yoniar Hufan Ramadhani, BIG Sea Thematic Integration Mapping and Integration Staff, who was a guest speaker in the dissemination titled Marine Resource Mapping.

Hufan explained, fishermen can use sea surface temperature maps to determine which areas are rich in fish. There is also a map of coral reefs and mangrove maps that can be used to develop the tourism sector.

"The Thousand Islands has extraordinary tourism potential. Its close proximity to the capital city makes it easy to reach. Foreign tourists just fly to Jakarta and travel shorter than other islands in Indonesia, "said Hufan.

A total of 100 participants who attended this activity seemed enthusiastic listening to the presentation. Pak Sukarta, a resident of Lancang Island, asked about the safety of residents on Lancang Island related to a series of natural disasters that occurred later.

Head of the Research, Promotion and Cooperation Center, Wiwin Ambarwulan, explained that BIG provided a basic map that was used by other ministries to create disaster-prone maps. From there, residents can see what potential disasters there are in their area.

"What is more important is that citizens must have begun to be familiar with disasters. That is, from now on they already know the signs and what needs to be done when the disaster comes," explained Wiwin. (MAD / NIN)