Selasa, 01 Oktober 2024   |   WIB
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Selasa, 01 Oktober 2024   |   WIB
Overseas Official Travel Increases SIMPEL

Jakarta, Geospatial News - Starting in 2019, the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) will be facilitated in obtaining overseas business travel permits. This is possible because the Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg) has just released an application to facilitate the administration of the permit. The application, named SIMPEL, was developed by the Bureau of Overseas Technical Cooperation (KTLN) Kemensetneg.

Through SIMPEL, the KTLN Bureau seeks to improve licensing mechanisms to make it more effective and efficient. SIMPEL is an online licensing application to improve the quality of public services in the issuance of government approval letters for overseas official travel by State Officials, Other Officials, Civil Servants, BUMN or BUMD Employees. Not only that, Indonesian workers assigned by State Institutions or Government Agencies funded by APBN / APBD or technical cooperation partners can use the application.

"From the time he took office, Minister Pratikno ordered three things, debureaucratization or simplification of business processes, digitization to simplify work, and increasing human resources," explained Secretary of the Ministry of State Secretariat, Setya Utama.

Furthermore Setya said, SIMPEL was created from anxiety to provide better and faster services to service users.

The release of the application is done informally, inviting the Ministry / Institution's public relations, representatives of international organizations, and Ministry / Institutions social media admins including the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) social media admin. About 150 people sat cross-legged in the Kemensetneg Fountain Park, Tuesday morning, January 29, 2019.

In the relaxed discussion titled "State Secretariat", the Ministry of State Secretariat also introduced the SIMPRO application. This application is an integrated database that contains information about development cooperation projects between the Government of Indonesia and partners. SIMPRO is intended to be a national database that is accurate, comprehensive, interactive and accessible to the public.

For BIG, the presence of SIMPEL and SIMPRO will improve the governance of foreign technical cooperation, especially the effectiveness and sustainability of programs / projects for better geospatial. (NN / MAD)