This program is carried out is intended to formulate medium-term development planning documents 2010 - 2014 field survey and mapping of natural resources and environment BAKOSURTANAL. More information is expected to provide direction and guidance as well as in realizing the vision and mission and program basic surveying and mapping of natural resources and environment
This document reviews the tendencies of development of surveying and mapping technology and the conditions are expected within the next five year, strategic environmental analysis, the relationship between surveys and thematic mapping program. This document is a document from the bottom up practitioner survey and thematic mapping of existing fields in the natural resource base survey Deputies. In addition, survey and mapping products merekap natural resources and environment since 1999 which consists of documents, products, maps, books, and system applications.
This initial draft still must disempurkan again primarily related to the national priorities that departed from the vision, mission president as stipulated in Presidential Decree No. 5 of 2010.
However, an important result of this document already reflect a vision for the future in BAKOSURTANL thematic mapping. The transition into the use and collection. This is reflected in the vision that produced the Assesibilitas, Continuity and Utilities (ME) geospatial information on natural resources and environment. It is expected that any activity of both surveys, including mapping and thematic studies are expected to be answered will be the implementation of ME.