Sidoarjo, Geospatial News - In the context of the Dissemination of Geospatial Information "Confirmation of Boundaries for Inventory of Natural Resources Potential", the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) organizes socialization activities in collaboration with Commission VII of the Regional Representatives Council (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI). Located in the Miftahul Abidin Hall, Krian, Sidoarjo, the event was held on Tuesday, February 26, 2019.
The moderator was Agung Christianto, Head of BIG Geospatial Services Section. Approximately 100 local residents had filled the event space that day. Present from the House of Representatives Commission VII was Syaikhul Islam, Deputy Chairperson of the House of Representatives Commission VII. Syaikhul gave his appreciation to BIG who had initiated this event and hoped that through this event the relationship between agencies, in this case BIG, would be closer to the community. "BIG is a partner of the House of Representatives Commission VII. Hopefully this event can improve BIG's performance and increase public understanding of the benefits of IG and BIG for the community ", said Syaikhul.
Representing BIG, the Head of the Research, Promotion and Cooperation (PPKS) Center, Wiwin Ambarwulan. Wiwin welcomed the participants who were residents of Balongbendo District. Wiwin then explained what BIG was. "We are making a map of the ladies and gentlemen. Given Indonesia's vast territory, this map is very useful for planning development ", he said. The fields of study related to BIG are geography and geodesy, so it is hoped that in the future more people will be interested in learning geography or geodesy, so that there will be more surveyors in Indonesia.
"In addition, for example related to the disaster in Palu yesterday. Maps are really needed in the process of disaster evacuation ", Wiwin said. While related to territorial boundaries, BIG has the duty to provide boundaries that are defined and have legal force in Indonesia. In view of BIG's extensive tasks, a dissemination is needed so that the functions and products of BIG can be known by all Indonesian people, ranging from students, university students, to the local government and society in general.
As an opening, Norvi Handayati, BIG Service and Product Service Center staff presented the BIG profile and the role of Geospatial Information (IG) for the community. It was explained that BIG was born along with the passing of Law number 4 of 2011 concerning IG. As stated in the Law, Geospatial Data (DG) is data about the geographical location, dimensions or size, and / or characteristics of natural objects, and / or man-made that are under, on, or above the earth's surface. While IG is a DG that has been processed so that it can be used as a tool in policy formulation, decision making, and / or implementation of activities related to earth space.
"One of the roles of the IG is to support national development planning, resilience and security, and to support disaster management and evacuation," said Norvi. For the process of sharing data, BIG has an Integrated Geospatial Information Service (PTIG) that can facilitate IG users from K / L, local governments, educational institutions and the private sector to get geospatial products and services. There are 3 types of services at PTIG, namely product purchasing services, consulting services, and education and training services. Norvi also added, "All services have been carried out based on ISO 9001: 2015".
Also present as a guest speaker, Akbar Hiznu M., Head of Legal Aid Subdivision, Planning Bureau, Staffing, and Law (PKH Bureau) BIG. Akbar delivered material related to "Boundaries: Between Natural Resources and Natural Disasters". It was explained that there were 4 stages in limiting an area, namely allocation, delimitation, demarcation, and administration. For the area boundary affirmation there are 3 teams that must be formed, namely the central boundary affirmation team with the head of the Minister of the Interior, the provincial boundary affirmation team with the chairman of the Governor, and the city / district boundary affirmation team with the head of the Regent / Mayor.
Then related to natural disasters, there are 2 regulations governing them, namely Law Number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management and Law Number 4 of 2011 concerning Geospatial Information. Akbar then explained how the potential for disasters in Indonesia, especially in East Java. Then also revealed how to survive in the event of a disaster. The participants seemed entertained and interested in the material presented by the speakers. Do not forget the discussion session, residents who dare to ask or answer questions are also provided interesting souvenirs. Hopefully through this dissemination activity what BIG, IG, and its benefits can be known and felt by the wider Indonesian community. (LR / DA)