Rabu, 27 November 2024   |   WIB
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Rabu, 27 November 2024   |   WIB
?Dissemination of Geospatial Information Visiting Sidoarjo Residents

Sidoarjo, Geospatial News - Still in the series of Geospatial Information (IG) dissemination events organized by the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) in East Java, on Wednesday, February 27, 2019, IG socialization was carried out again to residents in the Lebo area, Sidoarjo District. A total of 160 participants who were local residents filled the hall of the Shalawat Sidoarjo Progressive School Islamic Boarding School Hall. The theme raised was related to "Confirming Boundaries for Inventory of Natural Resource Potential".

This dissemination activity is a collaboration between BIG and Commission VII of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR). Present from BIG, Head of the Center for Research, Promotion and Cooperation (PPPKS), Wiwin Ambarwulan. Wiwin expressed his appreciation for the presence of the participants who had filled the event space that day. Wiwin hopes that the participants who are father and father can absorb knowledge as best as possible and later teach their children or neighbors at home after returning home. "BIG is the main product is the gentlemen map. Previously in geography we learned what a map is, what is an element of the map, now BIG is a government agency that makes maps, "he explained.

Agung Christanto, Head of the BIG Geospatial Services Section, was the moderator at the day's event. While from the House of Representatives Commission VII Syaikhul Islam, Deputy Chair of the House of Representatives Commission VII was present. Syaikhul thanked BIG for organizing this socialization. "You know about the disaster map, that's called Geospatial Information, that's what BIG has done," he said. Syaikhul also hopes that similar activities can be carried out in the future. "The goal is that all people can know what BIG products are and what BIG's benefits are for the community," he said. He also wants all participants to understand the material given by BIG as well as possible.

The first speaker at the event this time was Norvi Handayati, Staff of the BIG Products and Services Center. Norvi explained about what IG, BIG, and various products and their benefits for the community. Norvi revealed that "Geospatial information is needed by ministries, institutions, local governments and all components of the nation for development planning and policy makers for sustainable national development".

Also explained various facts related to the territory of Indonesia, such as the number of Indonesian islands as many as 17,504 islands, and which have been standardized and registered with the United Nations as many as 16,056 islands. The total land area and waters of Indonesia are 8,300,000 km2 with a coastline length of 108,000 km. "With the length of the coastline, placing Indonesia as the country with the longest coastline in the world number 2, after Canada", said Norvi. Not only that, Norvi also explained various services at BIG and how to get BIG products easily and cheaply.

Then the second guest speaker was Akbar Hiznu M., Head of Legal Aid Subdivision, Planning Bureau, Staffing, and Law (PKH Bureau) BIG. "Boundaries: Between Natural Resources and Natural Disasters" is the material presented by Akbar. Before starting the presentation Akbar gave a quiz to the participants. Participants seemed enthusiastic to take the quiz with interesting souvenirs provided by the committee. Akbar explained what the boundaries are, related laws, and elements in asserting boundaries. He brought the material semi-formal so that participants could understand better.

Then after explaining the boundaries, he moved to explain disaster related issues. It was revealed that Sidoarjo, part of its coastal area was also a disaster-prone area. "Therefore education regarding disaster response is very important. There are several tips for success in dealing with disasters, namely calm understanding, evacuation routes and sibad bags, "he said. Sibad Bags are Emergency Disaster Prepared Bags for 3x24 hours. The contents include durable and easy to carry food (biscuits, chocolate, sponge cakes, etc.), important documents / letters (KK, KTP, SIM, PASSPORT, BPJS / KIS Card, ATM Card, and Marriage Book; Savings Book; Letter valuable certificates such as land, CPB, STNK, diploma), first aid kit, flashlight and spare batteries, candles and matches, whistles, blankets and clothes, plastic raincoats, charger cables, drinking water in bottles of at least 2 liters / day / people, personal hygiene supplies (toiletries and sanitary pads), plastic plates and spoons, and lists of important contact numbers. The program then closed with a question and answer session and gift of souvenirs. Hopefully this socialization activity can provide benefits to people in the Sidoarjo area. And in the future BIG will be increasingly recognized by the people of Indonesia. (LR / DA)