Cibinong, Geospatial News - A total of 23 Bosowa Al Azhar Middle School students from Cilegon visited the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG). This visit aims to broaden students' insights regarding Geospatial Information (IG).
"After this visit, hopefully our students can get an overview of work related to BIG," said Principal of Bosowa Middle School Al Azhar Cilegon Muhidayat in the BIG Hall, Cibinong, Bogor, Thursday, February 7, 2019.
During this visit, Bosowa Al Azhar Cilegon Middle School students received material about the basic mapping process from upstream to downstream by Rohullah Ragajaya from the Center for Mapping the Earth and Toponym (PPRT). It was also explained that there were two types of GIs, namely Basic Geospatial Information (IGD) and Thematic Geospatial Information (IGT).
"The IGD is one of them in the form of a basic map, namely the Indonesian Earth Visual Map (RBI), the Indonesian Beach Environment Map (LPI), and the National Marine Environment Map (LLN). Meanwhile, IGT includes Spatial Planning Maps, Natural Resource Maps and Disaster Maps, "explained Raga.
Another Matera was delivered by Satrio Jati Kinantyo Widhi from the Center for Spatial and Atlas Mapping (PTRA). He explained the atlas and the difference with the map
"The map is a picture of natural elements and / or man-made elements that are above and below the surface of the earth that is depicted on a flat plane with a certain scale and projection system. Meanwhile, an atlas is a combination of geospatial data that is systematically arranged and related, complemented by a narrative function, "he explained.
The visit ended with a group photo session on the BIG field with unmanned aircraft or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). This aircraft is usually used by BIG for aerial photography during field surveys. (KI / NIN).