Jumat, 04 Oktober 2024   |   WIB
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Jumat, 04 Oktober 2024   |   WIB
Garut Regency Initiates the Establishment and Confirmation of Village / Kelurahan Boundaries

Garut, Geospatial News - Clarity of boundaries is a condition for good management of an area. For this reason, the Regency Government (Pemkab) of Garut invited the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) to make the determination and affirmation of village and kelurahan boundaries in its a

"Looking back, Garut regency has signed an MoU with BIG last year. This MoU was then followed up with a network node cooperation agreement and confirmation of village boundaries, "said Head of Governance in Garut Dadang District H.S. when opening the Village and Village Boundary Determination and Confirmation in Garut Regency in the Vice Regent Meeting Room of Garut, Monday, July 8, 2019.rea.

According to Dadang, the determination and confirmation of this boundary will be carried out on July 8-12 2019 using the Garut Regional Budget (APBD). Previously, village / kelurahan boundary delineation had been carried out without agreement by BIG in April 2017.

"This imagery data is held by BIG through LAPAN (National Aeronautics and Space Agency) as an institution tasked with holding satellite imagery. From this data the orthorectification process will be carried out by BIG so that the data can be used for mapping activities, "explained Wiwin.

With existing data, said Wiwin, the Garut Regional Government can determine and confirm. At present, Garut Regency Government only needs to coordinate between villages or villages.

"For that, we need support from all parties involved so that they can immediately benefit for the good and welfare of all," said Wiwin.

On this occasion, a technical presentation related to the determination and affirmation of village / kelurahan boundaries was presented by Agus Makmuriyanto from the BIG Boundary Mapping Center (PPBW). "The key word is twofold, coordination and agreement. At the moment, the activity that we are doing is to "Hopefully the determination and affirmation of the village / kelurahan boundary can create good governance within the Garut Regency Government," said Dadang.

The determination, continued Dadang, was carried out in 11 villages in Garut Kota District. This activity also involves other local governments (pemda) directly adjacent to the kelurahan / village in the Garut Kota Sub-district area.

Head of the Promotion and Cooperation Research Center (PPKS) Wiwin Ambarwulan explained, the mapping of village boundaries conducted by BIG will use High Resolution Satellite Image (CSRT) data. The image data was acquired in 2015.

listen to these two things, "he concluded. (DA / NIN)