Intergraph has provided grant aid to Bakosurtanal. The grant includes software GeoMedia Professional and GeoMedia WebMap including free maintenance for 12 months and the other completeness
* Bakosurtanal will use the grant to help develop a pilot project of Integrated Geo-Spatial Data and Information Management System (ISDIM) which is part of the development of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). The system will refer to the standard OpenGIS Consortium (OGC) and will involve the collection of data with the standards berbeda.Jadwal and activities of the pilot project are as follows:
1. Formation of spatial database from May to June 2003
2. GIS Technical Coordination Meeting on June 27, 2003
3. Metadata Development Juni - July 2003
4. The implementation mechanism of May-June 2003 Clearinghouse
5. Making an integrated distributed database system in June September 2003
6. Development of web-based data distribution applications Juni - August 2003
7. Participation of other development agencies from August to September 2003
8. September 2003 Completion of the system
9. October 2003 launching of the final system