Kamis, 13 Februari 2025   |   WIB
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Kamis, 13 Februari 2025   |   WIB

National DEM was built from several data sources including IFSAR data (5m resolution), TERRASAR-X (5m resolution) and ALOS PALSAR (11.25m resolution), by adding Mass-plotted stereo data. The DEMNAS spatial resolution is 0.27-arcsecond, using the EGM2008 vertical datum.


Batimetri Nasinonal

National Bathymetry is formed from the results of anomaly gravity data inversion results of almetri data processing by adding sounding data conducted by BIG, NGDC, BODC, BPPT, LIPI, P3GL and other institutions with single and multibeam surveys. The spatial resolution of BATNAS data is 6 arc-second using MSL datum.

Gridded BATimetri NASional

Gridded NATIONAL BATIMETRY data from 90 to 150BT and from 20LS to 20LU. This bathymetry data has advantages in coastal areas and shallow waters by using a survey from the Center for Marine and Coastal Environment (PKLP), BIG.

more details can visit http://tides.big.go.id/DEMNAS/